"Get a Pre-Settlement Cash Advance to Ease Financial Stress | PrimeCare Network"

"Get a Pre-Settlement Cash Advance to Ease Financial Stress | PrimeCare Network"

If you've been injured in an accident where someone else is at fault, you've probably heard advice from friends or family to "just sue."

While that may sound simple, the reality is much more complicated. Personal injury cases can take months, sometimes years, to resolve due to their complexity.

In some cases, reaching a settlement with the responsible party’s insurance company is a better option than waiting for a jury’s decision. However, getting your settlement check can take time if:

  • The case is not straightforward
  • There are large amounts of money involved
  • You haven’t completed your medical treatment
  • Liability is unclear

Proving Liability

A successful personal injury case hinges on proving that the other party's negligence caused the accident and that this negligence directly resulted in your injury. Without solid evidence, the defendant's insurance company may not offer a reasonable settlement. Pre-existing conditions can complicate things further—if your doctor cannot conclusively link your injury to the defendant's negligence, the settlement offer may not be satisfactory.

Significant Damages

If you're seeking substantial compensation for severe injuries or losses, expect the defendant’s insurance company to conduct a thorough investigation. These investigations take time, and you may be required to provide detailed information about the accident and your injuries.

Ongoing Treatment

Settlement may be delayed if you're still receiving treatment for your injuries. You should wait until you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) before settling, as this allows you and your lawyer to accurately calculate your losses. Settling before MMI risks forfeiting compensation for future medical expenses, lost wages, or other damages.

Don’t Settle for Less

It may be tempting to settle quickly, especially if you’re worried about bills piling up. But settling too soon could mean getting less than you deserve. Always consult a personal injury attorney to weigh your options.

How Long Until You Receive Your Settlement Check?

Once a settlement is agreed upon, it generally takes about four to six weeks to finalize. After you sign a release form, which states you’re waiving your right to sue, the insurance company will send the check to your attorney. Any liens (medical bills, attorney fees) will be paid first, and the remainder will be sent to you.

Pre-Settlement Funding Can Help

If you're struggling financially while waiting for your settlement, pre-settlement funding could be a lifeline. You can apply for a cash advance while your case is pending. PrimeCare Network evaluates your case in coordination with your attorney, and if approved, provides funds based on the expected settlement. You’ll only repay the advance and any fees once your case is settled.

For a pre-settlement cash advance, call PrimeCare Network at 888-474-8473 or Apply Now.

 PrimeCare Network offers pre-settlement funding, also known as consumer litigation funding, through various products depending on your state of residence or cause of action. Many consumers will receive pre-settlement funding through a purchase agreement, assigning a portion of the pending proceeds from their legal claim. In states like South Carolina and Colorado, funding is provided as a pre-settlement loan, sometimes referred to as a lawsuit loan. These transactions differ in important ways, so it’s essential to review and understand the type of transaction offered by any funding company.

PrimeCare, Prime Financing

PriceCare Network

PrimeCare Network provides comprehensive financing for personal injury patients across the United States. For medical providers, we cash advance and manage existing medical liens. For lawyers, we can ensure their clients get the necessary treatment in a timely manner. For patients, we provide pre-settlement financing for living and medical expenses, as well as comprehensive care coordination. PCN uses NorthstarDoc providers network to connect patients with providers.